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January 12, 2005 -

I spent part of yesterday sorting and then filling out insurance forms. I really hate bureaucratic paperwork but someone has to do it and that someone is me. Blech!

I rewarded myself by working on my Snowbound blocks in the afternoon. I've finished appliqu�ing some tree blocks and began choosing fabrics for a block showing children in snowsuits and a house and a couple of trees and a snowman. And a cat. But I don't particularly like the way the cat looks so I'm using a different cat pattern. I especially like searching for just the right fabric for each piece. Of course, I have boxes and boxes of fabrics and naturally they're not organized. I've tried. Really I have. But then I get in a hurry hunting for a particular fabric I bought oh, five or ten or maybe even fifteen years before. I know I have it somewhere but where? And I always save the smallest scraps, especially of my most favorite fabrics and I hesitate using the very last piece of one I particularly like. What is it with quilters and fabric anyway?
We've kept the fireplace going almost continually for the past week. It helps to keep the heating cost down as it has a fan which really does help. It's also cheerful.
After choir practice we, as usual, held hands and Pastor Ruth asked for prayer concerns. Several of us mentioned our sons (all of us in choir have at least one son). I had looked at the CDC's weekly map of flu activity
earlier today and seen that there was quite a bit of flu on the East Coast. I also haven't heard from Jack is several weeks so I was worried. When I got home I talked to John but he said he'd gotten an e-mail from Jack just last week and he was fine but he sent him an e-mail for me. The subject line read "Your Mom has been reading a book about the flu pandemic and wants to know if you're still alive".

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